Las Cholas de Estrellas

Rigel's Birth

This is a new star
The Birth of a Star

Out of the billions and trillions of stars in our galaxy, and even in space, don't you ever wonder how it all started? How the stars were born and what star they would become. Some stars have short lives and others have long lives. These stars are huge bright spheres of hot gas, much like are sun, only further out in space. A matter of fact, our star Rigel is much bigger than our sun, but it is so far out in space that it looks smaller than our sun. There are many different stars out there in our galaxy, some of them are the supergiants, giants, and the white dwarfs. Our star Rigel is a blue supergiant, and was born billions of years ago. Stars are born in dust clouds, redden and swell to many time their original size as they age.  They begin in clouds of dust and gas. Gravity gathers hydrogen gas and particles of dust, and the clouds grow more dense. Squeezed tighter the hydrogen then heats up and the nuclear fusion turns hydrogen into helium. The fire ignites, thus creating the birth of a star. 

This is the nuclear fusion process
This is a picture of a protostar