Las Cholas de Estrellas
Starts as a pro star, then to the current stage of a blue giant, then as it gets close to death it will supernova, then become a black hole.

Rigel's Death

As the  Blue Super Giant Rigel, gets closer to death our prediction is that, it will turn into a Type IT supernova, then to a Black hole.

IT Supernova: when Most Giant stars get to the end of their life they supernova, Sense Rigel is so massive it is guessed that it  will end with a  supernova.  A supernova is a stellar explosion that is more energetic than a nova. Supernovae are extremely luminous and cause a burst of radiation that often briefly outshines an entire galaxy, before fading from view over several weeks or months. It supernovas because this always happens with a giant star, when all of the energy in a this large star runs out. Then the star expands and explodes. That is a supernova. 

Black Hole: After it supernovas it is guessed to turn into a black hole. A black hole has so much gravity when u get to close to the center you will either get pulled into the hole and be lost forever or spit out away from the black hole.

H-R Diagram 

H-R Diagram
Why is this probable  to the death phase of Rigel?

Most massive blue stars, explode into supernovas and, Rigel is a massive blue star therefore, the best prediction is that there will be a supernova.

Sense Rigel is located as a blue super giant, on the H-R Diagram and, is already theorized to supernova, it is next guessed to become a black hole if, the supernova theory is correct.

Located on the H-R  diagram Rigel is located in the middle towards the top as a supergiant, The brightest supergiant on the H-R diagram. The second biggest supergiant located on this H-R diagram.

Rigel's Prediction of Death Compared to the Sun

The Sun

The Sun is a yellow dwarf, its theorized death it to become a red giant then, planetary nebula then, type IA supernova compared to Rigel which therized death is, it will turn into a type IT supernova, then to a Black hole. The biggest difference is the mass and type of the star. Rigel is 78 times the radius of the sun. The size and type of the star determines its life cycle/ death. While Rigel being a giant and the sun being a dwarf there life cycles including there deaths are different.